Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Art Installation: 100 Million Sunflower Seeds

I spent most of my summer in London on an Art History study abroad. It was an amazing experience that I would have no problem repeating. While in London I spent a good deal of my time visiting museums, which, if you didn't know, are numerous and free in London (well, most of them are).

I must admit, I've never been a huge fan of contemporary art. I thought maybe this had something to do with my lack of education on the topic, so while in London I took a 20th Century art class. I won't say I was completely converted to modern art, but I have gained an appreciation. There was one particular installation at the Tate Modern that I wanted to see but got there a couple of days too late.

100 Million Sunflower Seeds spread across the Tate's vast Turbine Hall. But they weren't regular old sunflower seeds. They were handmade, hand painted porcelain sunflower seeds, crafted over a two year period by about 1600 Chinese artisans.  Ai Weiwei was the artist that thought up the concept. Did I mention there were 100 MILLION of them?!

Unfortunately I can only appreciate this vast undertaking by photograph, and still it boggles the mind.

Ai Weiwei, conceptual artist
PS: Don't they look real?! Awesome.

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