Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Spiral Jetty, The Great Salt Lake

I went to visit Robert Smithson's 'Spiral Jetty' with the art history podcast I'm involved with. I've never been there before and was really looking forward to it. We went on the perfect day! It was so beautiful with the clouds making amazing pictures in the sky and the general 'other worldliness' of the Great Salt Lake. It's so still and quiet out there! There are no birds or insects, there wasn't even any wind. If it hadn't been for the abnormally large number of people at the Jetty yesterday evening, it would have been spooky! I got some great images.

In case you decide to make the trek out to the Spiral Jetty, it's about an hour on dirt roads from the Golden Spike National Historical Site...plan for it taking awhile, it's not a quick trip, but SOOO worth it!

*All of the above images were taken by me. Please do not use them without permission, thank you.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


From "Faces" by Walt Whitman

SAUNTERING the pavement, or riding the country by-road--lo! such
Faces of friendship, precision, caution, suavity, ideality;
The spiritual, prescient face--the always welcome, common, benevolent
The face of the singing of music--the grand faces of natural lawyers
and judges, broad at the back-top;
The faces of hunters and fishers, bulged at the brows--the shaved
blanch'd faces of orthodox citizens;
The pure, extravagant, yearning, questioning artist's face;
The ugly face of some beautiful Soul, the handsome detested or
despised face;
The sacred faces of infants, the illuminated face of the mother of
many children;
The face of an amour, the face of veneration;
The face as of a dream, the face of an immobile rock; 10
The face withdrawn of its good and bad, a castrated face;
A wild hawk, his wings clipp'd by the clipper;
A stallion that yielded at last to the thongs and knife of the

Friday, February 17, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

I just finished reading Juliet by Anne Fortier. Good book! Soooo guess what I did? I searched Google and found a bunch of Romeo and Juliet art. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Stourhead Gardens

All of these images were taken by myself at the Stourhead Estate and Gardens in Wiltshire, England last Spring 2011. Please do not use any of these images without my permission. Thank you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saints by Guido Reni

Guido Reni was an Italian Baroque painter. He trained in Bologna, but left his apprenticeship to train at the Carracci's Academy. He enjoyed painting gesture and movement. When he found a gesture he liked, he used it a lot. You'll notice in the paintings of the Saints below, most of them are looking up toward heaven. This was symbolic of the Saint's piety or their closeness to God.

Saint Peter

Saint Matthew

Saint Cecilia
Saint Cecilia vowed to remain a virgin through out her life. When she was forced to marry she told her future husband of this vow. He converted to Christianity and was eventually martyred . Cecilia was also killed, but before she was beheaded she donated all of her worldly possessions to the poor. As she was led to her death she sang to God, which is why she is now the patron saint of music.
Saint Joseph with Infant Jesus
I absolutely love this painting of Joseph with baby Jesus. Not only is it a loving portrayal, but the colors are amazing!
Saint Joseph
Saint Bernard
There are several Saint Bernard's, I don't know which one this painting depicts.
Saint Peter

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Longing for Spring

It hasn't been a horrible winter at all, but I'm not a fan of the season in the first place, so about this time of year I'm ready for it to be over. I love wisteria, it makes me think of Spring.